Which LeapFrog Leappad Is Best Kids Tablet For Your Child?
Best Kids Tablet
Welcome back to Leap Frog Pad, where a school teacher, that would be me, helps parents fine educational toys for learners at all levels. I have been asked quite a few questions regarding the Leap Frog Leappad, and I wanted to clarify a few things for my readers. I suppose people are doing research on the LeapFrog products and it is easy to get confused which is the best kids tablet. I will describe the differences here, so that you can easily make the best decision and get your child the best tablet.
We are going to compare the Leappad Ultra, the Leappad2 and the Leappad2 Power in our quest to discover the best kids tablet. You will soon understand why I would eliminate the Leappad2 from the choices. (Hint: The Leappad2 requires batteries, and the Leappad2 Power has a rechargeable battery pack.)

The LeapPad Ultra is the latest tablet released by LeapFrog ( released in 2013 ) . This is the one that is the most current and most powerful. There are other LeapPads that the company has released, that are less expensive. The LeapPad2 and the Leappad2 power art the two examples that we will compare. A predecessor to the current lineup of Leappad best kids tablets is the Leappad1. All of these kids tablets are excellent learning tools, but I wanted to explain what is different about them.
The main difference between the Leappad2 and Leappad2 power is that the power has a rechargeable battery power pack. That is a very nice feature, but other than that, both units are identical, except the power comes with 9 app included, as opposed to 5. What you will save in price with the Leappad2, you will quickly pay for in battery costs. This eliminates the standard Leappad2 from our search for the best kids tablet. Therefore, I would not recommend the Leappad2 without the Power option.
The Leapfrog Leappad Ultra has the biggest screen of all of them, which is a 7 inch multi-touch screen, with the highest resolution 1024×600, while the Leappad2 has a 5 inch resistive screen that has 480×272 resolution. In addition, the cameras in the Ultra has double the resolution in megapixels.
The onboard memory in the Leappad Ultra is 8GB, which is double that of the Leappad2. The Leappad2 Power has a NiMh battery pack, where the Ultra has a Lithium Ion battery. The Lithium Ion is a far superior battery, in my opinion.
A big comparison is that the Leappad Ultra has the ability for multi-player games, called peer to peer games, where he others do not. Also, the Leappad Ultra is the only unit with WiFi. That means that with the Leappad Ultra, you not only have Internet access (safe access, by the way), but you don’t have to connect the kids tablet to your computer to install games on it. That, to me, is a big plus.
The only advantages the Leappad2 and Power have that I can see are:
- Price – The leappad2 is about $50-70 dollars less in price.
- It is smaller, which may be better for young children with small hands.
To recap, I wouldn’t even consider the Leappad2, because what you save over the Leappad2 Power, you will quickly eat up in batteries. As for the size of the unit, you will need to see what makes the most sense to you. I have seen 4 year olds have no problem with the Leappad Ultra, but only you know your child and what makes sense for them.
There is another unit that LeapFrog has released, called the Leapster. This is a small handheld gaming system that is fine, similar to a gameboy, but if you are going to make an investment, I would go for the Leappad series.
As far as the games go, I believe that the games for the all versions of the Leappad will work on the Leappad Ultra, but I am not sure it is the other way around. For instance, I am not sure that all games for the Leappad Ultra will work on the Leappad2 or Leappad1.
I believe that the Leapfrog Leappad Ultra is currently the very best kids tablet on the market today. I know this is a lot of information to digest. I hope this post makes your options clearer, so that you can make the best decision for your child!
Thanks for reading my article and stopping by my site, Leap Frog Pad. I sincerely hope that this information assists you to find the best kids tablet for you and your child on their learning path.
– Mrs. G.