VTech Innotab 3s Bundle – Great Sales on Great Educational Toys
vtech innotab 3s bundle
Hello, it is Sara again. Back with some exciting news on Leap Frog Pad about the VTech Innotab 3s. For a very short time, a VTech Innotab 3s Bundle is being offered. I just found out about it, but you can actually save a bundle on some really great educational games for your child.
Now, you know that I often talk about the Leapfrog products. But I have to give credit where credit is due. Vtech makes some excellent educational toys and this is a great opportunity to put a smile on a lucky child’s face and you will be happy, too. Not only will you be saving some hard earned money, but your child can have loads of fun while they learn. As a result, kids tend to do better in academics.

Here are the links (Updated 3/11/2014):
3/11 – 3/17: $30 for Spongebob + TMNT InnoTab Cartridge Bundle
3/11 – 3/17: $30 for Bubble Guppies + Team Unizoomi InnoTab Cartridge Bundle
These types of sales are great to take advantage of, so if you have any friends, please tell them about this page, so that they too can take advantage of this opportunity before the sale is over. Purchasing educational toys in bundles give you the ability to save money on excellent quality learning tools for your children.
The VTech Innotab 3s Bundles that they are currently offering are for accessories for the Innotab 3s and there is also a save up to $40 on making a custom bundle. If you choose to go the Innotab Custom Bundle route, first read my other article on assessing what games are appropriate to your child’s academic level. The article is here. Although the article is for the Leappad Ultra, the same things apply to the vtech innotab when choosing the right games for your child.
Another great thing about the vtech innotab 3s bundles being offered is free shipping. Who doesn’t love free shipping? I know I do!
The games that you can choose from when creating your vtech innotab 3s bundles are highly motivational. With publishers like Disney, Pixar and others, I am sure you will be able to create the perfect custom bundle. I know a lot of kids who like the “Monster’s University”, “Cars 2”, “Dora The Explorer” and “Toy Story 2” games for the Innotab 3s. There are a lot of excellent educational game options to choose from when creating vtech innotab 3s bundles, so have fun with it.
Another great thing to consider when making vtech innotab 3s bundles is accessories. Things like car adapters, headphones, extra power adapters and cases. An important one for me is the stylus. Do yourself a favor and get an extra stylus when making your vtech innotab 3s bundles. You will not be sorry.
So that is the hot news I wanted to alert you to. I am sure they will have other sales if you can’t make this one. I will do my best to post them as I find out about them, so check back frequently. I hope you make an excellent vtech innotab 3s bundle for your child.