Leapster Explorer Games – What is Leapster?
Introducing the Leapster Explorer Games
Hi, it is Sara and welcome back to Leap Frog Pad! I’m writing this post about the Leapfrog Leapster series of educational gaming toys. Leapster Explorer Games are very popular with children these days. While not the same as the Leappad Ultra, or Leappad 2, the Leapster is a smaller gaming console that a child can play with and have fun while learning. So, what is the Leapster Explorer?
* Note: These Toys are sure to sell out quickly this season.
CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on LeapsterGS Explorer.
CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on Leapster Explorer.

The Leapster Explorer Games are handheld learning gaming systems that are an excellent educational toys that teaches children while they play. The Leapster Explorer was the 2011 toy of the year! As you have read in my prior posts about the Leappad Ultra, the Leapster Explorer Games are smaller units that has a lot of benefits, one of which is they are less expensive.

Just like with the Leapfrog Leappad products, the applications for the Leapster Explorer Games are reviewed by a team of learning experts. These learning experts are always innovating, by researching new ways to teach children academic skills and build self confidence. The leapster games and eBooks automatically adjust to your child’s level of skill, too. This helps inspire not just learning, but a lifelong love of learning.
Currently, the Leapfrog Leapster Games come in two models, the Leapster Explorer, and the LeapsterGS Explorer. Each model of these Leapster Explorer Games is rated for ages 4-9. Of the two models of these educational toys, the LeapsterGS Explorer is the newer of the two, and features a camera and motion sensor.
Be Aware: The Leapster 2 is still for sale. This is an older model and I would not recommend it, as you can get the more current models as about the same cost. Not that the Leapster 2 is a bad educational toy, but just that it is out dated.

Both of the Leapster Explorer Games have access to a library of more than 300 apps and action-packed educational games. These educational games teach skills such as math, science, social studies and reading. One of the two Leapster Explorer Games, the LeapsterGS Explorer, allows you can snap videos or pictures with the built-in camera and video recorder, too!
Features of the Leapfrog LeapsterGS Explorer at a glance:
- Rugged and Kidsafe Construction.
- 2 GB of on-board memory to store videos or pictures that can be taken with the built-in camera and video recorder. There is also a built in microphone.
- A Motion Sensor and Kid Friendly Controls.
- More than 300 LeapFrog downloadable educational apps and action-packed games that develop key skills for school. Games are also available on cartridges.
- What’s included: LeapsterGS handheld device, Quick Start CD, parent guide, USB cable, stylus and 3 apps. There is a 4th game that can be downloaded for free, too.
CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on LeapsterGS Explorer.
CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on Leapster Explorer.
Games for the Leapster Explorer and LeapsterGS Explorer
There are many games that are available for the Leapster Explorer and LeapsterGS Explorer. When choosing games, the box will say which Leapfrog Products the game is compatible with. For example, it may say “Works with Leappad, Leapster Explorer, LeapsterGS Explorer” or something like that. What you will notice is that your investment in educational games works with several devices. That means that if you already have some games for other Leapfrog toys, they may work with this toy, too. Conversely, if you plan on upgrading to the Leappad Ultra, the games you already bought for Leapster Explorer will most likely also work on the Leappad Ultra.
CLICK HERE to find the best deal on Game Cartridges for either of the Leapster Explorer Games!
In conclusion, both of these Leapfrog Leapster Explorer Games are excellent values and are sure to be in huge demand this holiday season. While not as amazing as the Leappad Leapfrog Ultra, they are a lower cost alternative to meeting the same goal of making learning fun.